

Standard Ministries, Inc. was established in 2007 when the founders, Sandra and James Williamson, began to see society’s base shift away from the Word of God to humanism and even the occult and witchcraft. The Williamsons understood that even if they seemed to be in the minority, their call was to raise the Standard of the Word of God and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as the foundation upon which everything else should rest. The Williamson’s purpose, through Standard Ministries Inc., is to uphold a Christian World View, to teach the same, and to do the works that Jesus instructed us to do through His Word. See Luke 4:18 and Matt 10:8.

Standard Ministries AboutStandard Ministries’ primary purpose is to teach absolute Truth as set forth in the Word of God, and to teach application of these Truths as Jesus taught through the Scriptures. There are, therefore, many different means that Standard Ministries uses to accomplish these purposes.

Among the ways that Standard Ministries disseminates the Truth of the Word of God, is in its offering of one-on-one ministry within a private office setting, classes, seminars and trainings on the spirit realm and the believer’s authority within that realm, and on-site teaching and training for churches, ministries and schools.

The Standard Ministries team of trained ministers are not counselors, but facilitators of the Word of God. This means that the ministry team offers participants instruction in the Word and its application to our lives in every area. Participants learn that each individual is responsible for their own vessel, to apply the Word of God to each situation in their own lives. Our ministers teach participants how to remove ungodly spiritual intrusion and interference, as well as how to build proper thinking habits and positive behavioral patterns. Additional ministry for breaking ties to secret societies, removing idols, curses, and other bondages that are not in line with the Word of God, are also available. See Our Brochure for more details.

Sandra TeachingSandra Williamson is the Executive Director of Standard Ministries, Inc. Sandra has quite a testimony of personal healing, deliverance, and freedom. Her life is a demonstration of emotional healing, having emerged from layers of emotional wounds. From the time that Sandra was born-again, she dedicated her life to serving Jesus, and yet found that some things from her ‘old life’ would not go away. In her search to be entirely free, Sandra attended several universities gaining her degrees in Psychology and ultimately a Masters in Human Relations. These classes gave Sandra an understanding of the workings of the soul person, yet Sandra knew that the key to complete freedom had to include the whole person, not just the soul person. As Sandra further studied the Scriptures and methodologies of seasoned Christian ministers, she was directed by the Lord to start what is known as God’s E.R., a ministry of freedom and deliverance for the whole person: spirit, soul, and body.

God’s E.R. is a program of Standard Ministries, Inc., which is a structured course for facilitating healing and freedom of the spirit, soul, and body. “E.R.” in this case, means “Emergency Restoration,” which is the foundation of the ministry – restoration to the person that God has always decreed us to be – Freed from All Things, Acts 13:39. The Lord led Sandra to build the God’s E.R. program for the purpose of helping the body of Christ understand their position in Him and the freedom that He died to attain for us. The Lord has given Sandra a specific program of ministry, which is a compilation of research, teachings and writings that, when facilitated in the E.R. format, brings such release, forgiveness, and freedom to the participants, that even physical ailments are healed!

God’s E.R. is a free ministry and is available online and in various lo. Please visit: GodsER.us for more information.

It is our hope that you will find this information helpful and that you will take advantage of the truths set forth in this ministry so that you and those you care about will be Freed from All Things!